Total Medals Earned: 1,062 (From 161 different games.) Total Medal Score: 17,500 Points
Medals Earned: 5/14 (70/515 points)
Launch Madness: Off-Color.
Killcount: 50
Try out Experiment Mode.
Be a homie and look at the credits.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Killcount: 100
Killcount: 200
Killcount: 300
Equip Pico's Uzi (1/1000 Drop Chance)
Medals Earned: 1/9 (5/125 points)
Get Weapon 1
Get Weapon 2
Get Weapon 3
Find First Secret
Find First Pet
Beat Game
Beat Game on Hard
Medals Earned: 3/6 (35/195 points)
Somehow, by some miracle, start the game.
Finish the game having done every task.
Get EXTREMELY lucky and catch a super duper ultra mega rare fish.
Medals Earned: 1/6 (5/215 points)
Complete 4 levels.
Complete 8 levels.
Complete 12 levels.
Complete 16 levels.
Complete 20 levels.
Complete 24 levels.
Medals Earned: 3/6 (40/215 points)
Medals Earned: 4/6 (140/290 points)
You earned 10 Gold in Meow Merchants!
You earned 25 Gold in Meow Merchants!
You earned 50 Gold in Meow Merchants!
You earned 100 Gold in Meow Merchants!
You earned 200 Gold in Meow Merchants!
Medals Earned: 14/16 (80/90 points)
Thanks for purchasing our new OS!
"There's nobody here."
Monkeh, monkeh.
Don't harass me its just a reference!
See your new pet fish!
Ur PC is slow
You don't have one.
Medium Ham is only limited to playing 1 video.
Purchase an item!
He watches...
Uh oh!
Keep it clean and sweep up those mines!
Think, just have a little time to think about some stuff...
RIP Shrek 9/11/01
Medals Earned: 4/6 (115/190 points)
Play the game (Thanks for the free medal)
Talk with Sly
Get one Gacha Doll
Finish the game!!
Get 10 Gacha Dolls
Get all Gacha Dolls!
Medals Earned: 11/13 (55/115 points)
Load the game
defeat the woman 10 times
defeat the woman with covfefe
play computer with the woman
Cool the woman down a bit with the fan
Watch all animations
press play on the main menu
Punch the woman in the head
stab woman
shoot woman, you fucking freak
put away important documents with the woman
defeat the woman 1000 times
defeat the woman 100 times
Medals Earned: 4/6 (65/215 points)